Botulinium toxin Against Wrinkles: Injections at a reasonable Price
Our nurses own various techniques of introducing Botox
The procedure for the introduction of Botox, adapted to the individual facial expressions of the patient, avoids undesirable consequences in the future. Pay attention to the status of the clinic itself.
Maseter Botox
Masseter Botox is a cosmetic procedure that has gained popularity in recent years primarily because of its ability to relieve teeth grinding and the associated tension and headaches. However, it also has unexpected cosmetic benefits, which makes it a sought-after treatment to change the shape of one's face
Nail Services
Professional nail care service can help you to maintain healthy nails. We’re committed to offering quality products, unparalleled service, and the most competitive prices in town. Great service begins with great people and industry experience, which is why our staff is made up of the best and most qualified in the business.
Nefertiti Botox
We have found that the Nefertiti Lift tends to be the most effective among patients who lack significant neck fullness (double chin) and who have minimal skin laxity in their neck and jawline; excess fat deposits and droopy skin along the neck and jaw will likely obscure your results
Nasolabial Area Repair
These injections work by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles near the nasolabial folds, which helps to soften and smooth out their appearance. Results typically last around three to four months before they start to fade away.
Gummy Smile Correction
The good news is that you don't need to have gum surgery like your dentist may suggest. Most gummy smiles can be treated with just a few units of Botox.
Nose Correction
When applied to the nose, specifically the muscles responsible for the width of the nostrils or the shape of the nasal bridge, Botox can create a slimmer appearance.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Contraindications include prior allergic reaction, injection into areas of infection or inflammation, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.
Botulinum toxin treatment injections usually take less than 15 minutes.
This is a difficult question to answer because results vary widely from patient to patient,usually you will see the result after 2 weeks.
PRP can be used to treat a wide range of injuries. Some of the most common problems we treat with PRP include:
• Osteoarthritis
• Lumbar spinal disc pain
• Muscle tears
• Rotator cuff injuries
• Repetitive use injuries
• Lumbar and cervical facet joint dysfunction
• Tendon and ligament injuries
Botox is a powerful treatment that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while preventing the formation of new ones. It does this by temporarily paralyzing targeted muscles in the face, stopping them from contracting.
One of the main differences between mesotherapy and microneedling is the depth at which they affect the skin. Mesotherapy injections are delivered to the mesoderm, which is the middle layer of the skin, while microneedling affects the uppermost layer of the skin, known as the epidermis.
Microneedling can help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. It can minimize stretch marks, scars, wrinkles and other skin concerns. It doesn't carry the risk of skin discoloration, unlike some facial rejuvenation procedures that use heat, light or lasers.
We may not inject PRP if you have cancer, an active infection, unstable angina, or a blood disorder such as anemia or severe hypovolemia (low blood volume). To be a good candidate, you must also have normal platelet function, which means that platelet disorders disqualify you from getting PRP treatments.